M <h1><font color="#6699FF" size="-7">Ruzieleerschool, Basiscursus
Co-counselen, Reiki, Mediation door leerlingen</font> </h1>arlies Tjallingii, Conflict, Conflicthanteren, Geweldloos, Ruzie, Succescol communiceren, Ruzieleerschool, Basiscursus Co-counselen, Reiki, Mediation door leerlingen

The Quarrel Academy

Nonviolent communication in conflicts

On this website you will find information in Dutch language about the activities of the Ruzieleerschool (Quarrel Academy), about the target groups and how you can contact the Ruzieleerschool.
You will also find information about other activities that Marlies Tjallingii does together with other trainers.
Ther are also links to other relevant websites of people with whom Marlies feels related.

If you have any questions, Marlies invites you to contact us by email: marliestjallingii@home.nl or telephone: 003138-4608461.

Marlies Tjallingii teaches you to use conflict as an opportunity to grow. You learn to argue 'properly'. You can both benefit from a 'good' argument. You no longer run away from conflicts and you cause fewer conflicts or irritations. You feel more quickly in yourself and the other person what the real need is underneath. She wants to teach you to increase your happiness by dealing better with your emotions.

This also includes being able to deal with the different moods of the people around you.

On this website you can find which courses Marlies offers.

Marlies gives courses on conflict management and connecting communication by invitation. If a group of 6 people wants to learn something together about dealing with conflicts, you can invite her. You can even ask for an online course.

You can also request brochures for the argumentative training school in your family, organisation or at school.






coöperation is better than conflict


Nonviolent Comminication in Gaza May 2013




